It was 5:30 AM on this January 1, 2015.
I’d awakened early, as usual, and stumbled down to my office. Everyone else was still sleeping, even the dog. On the way, I stopped in the kitchen to get a pot of coffee started.

As I waited for this Elixir of Life to finish brewing, I thought I’d play a few games of Solitaire on my computer to get the old brain cells warmed up.
Now, I’m not a big gamer. In fact, the few games that come with the operating system are the only games on my machines, both desktop and laptop.
On the second round of Solitaire, I actually cleared the cards.
As you know, that doesn’t happen often. Since buying this computer 4 or 5 years ago, I’ve only won 8% of the games I’d played.
But the message and choices displayed after winning caught my attention. I’ve seen it before and not given it a second thought. But today, today was different for some reason.
I don’t know why this particular game popped out at me. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been working on my copywriting business GSRs for the coming year (that’s Goals, Strategies and Rewards, not gun shot residue, by the way.).
Congratulations, you won the game – [Play again] [Exit]
There is no [save for later] button.
To keep the score advancing , I had to keep playing. If I stopped…I’d lose momentum and all the ground I’d gained.
Play it again, Sam. And again…
I’m a freelance B2B copywriter, specializing in the industrial markets.

That means I have to do all my own stunts and wear all the hats. Or at least most of them. And just like any business, large or small, winning is a numbers game. To be honest, it can be exhausting at times.
With a freelance copywriting business, you’ve got to work your tail off to build the numbers. You market; you promote; you contact, contact, contact. Then it’s lather, rinse, repeat.
Sooner or later, you’ll get a hit, maybe sign a client, and breathe a sigh of relief. And what do you do next?
Relax and take a breather!
Beep! Wrong answer.
The right answer – the ONLY right answer – is to click the Play Again button.
If you don’t, if you take a breather, you’ll lose momentum. Once you’ve finished that job, you’ll have to start all over from square one to find another.
You have to keep the cards in play at all times.
Many new freelance B2B copy and content marketing writers, and freelancers in general, make that mistake. I know this for a fact…I did it when I was “young.” Sometimes it’s because they’re so ecstatic that they’ve signed a client that all else pales. They get tunnel vision.
Or perhaps it’s because they feel they can do justice to only one client at a time. That sometimes happens to other small-business owners as well.
I get that. Been there.
Get over it.
You can get started tomorrow…
Whatever tomorrow is when you read this.
I’m not waiting that long.
As I write this, today is the first day of the new year. For many it’s a time for celebration, reflection and maybe for getting over a mind-numbing hangover. A day set aside for the contemplation and the making of resolutions, or the setting of new goals.
For me…it’s Thursday.
So, while many of my fellow freelance copywriters are watching parades and football games or the all-day Twilight Zone marathon on the SyFy channel, I’ll be working. Today is a great time to get your business moving.
Every today is.
This article that I’m writing today, for instance, is part of my self-marketing plan. And once it’s published and promoted, it’s on to the next project. Late last night, I finished up an article for a terrific, longtime client. Today, I’ll do the final edit and send it on it’s merry way. Then I’ll get started on their next request.
They may not be open for business today – but their inbox never sleeps.
I’m happiest when I’ve got a lot of work to do. And right now, I’m kind of happy. But I’m working on being even happier. Two days ago, another potential client contacted me about copywriting for him. That’s cool.
I’ll check out the information he sent and dash off an email with a request for more details. I’ll find out if I want to work with him or not.
And I’ll get some contact emails ready to send out to prospective clients as well.
I’ve got a pretty good list of things to get done today. I won’t bore you with all the details.
A B2B copywriter can have fun, too
Don’t worry. I will do some fun things with the family today. Mary’s got a pot of ham and beans cooking on the stove (New Year’s traditions smell so good!). I think I heard the little one stirring about, so Granddad will get in some playtime. My boy and I will probably go out for lunch or dinner (it’s his turn to pay).
And I will stop several times to watch a parade or whatever else is on the TV, probably on the way to the bathroom (too much “Elixir of Life” will do that).

So today is the start of a new year. A day for celebration and renewal.
For some, it’s a day for getting their ducks in a row.
But it’s Thursday, so it’s business as usual for me.
It’s a day for getting those ducks rowing.
I wish for you the very best of success in this coming year. And don’t forget to have a wonder full year while you’re at it.
Steve Maurer – Steve Maurer Freelance Writing
Great article, Steve! Today is always the day, isn’t it? 🙂
Now I’m off to grab some more Elixir of Life myself. Never too late for that. But, ahem, it seems I am sadly too late for the Twilight Zone marathon. Oh well, back to writing!
Hello, my friend.
Wishing you the absolute best this new year. How is the book coming along?