In any relationship— personal or professional—understanding how it’s supposed to work helps smooth the path. It cuts down on the number of ‘surprises’ and misconceptions. Every professional copywriter I know has a system or method or structure for their work. It’s one thing that separates them from hobbyists and amateurs. I’m a professional copywriter and I have a process, too. This is what you can expect from me:
- We’ll get on a discovery call, preferably on Zoom, to discuss your project— whatever it is—and see if we’re a good fit for each other. If not… we’re done. No bad feelings at all.
- If it’s a go, I’ll send you an email shortly after the call to make sure I got the major points right and may send you a ballpark figure for the work. Please respond quickly so I can…
- Send you a proposal, outlining the scope, the details and expectations for both of us, and a firm quote on your investment in the project though my FreshBooks account. If the proposal isn’t what you expected, I can revise it. Once you agree and digitally sign it, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and dig into your project.
- The first stage, the one you don’t see, is where I gather up all the information I need and organize it into a coherent mess on my desk. I may need additional stuff from you like spec sheets, line cards, safety documentations, and customer case studies. And I shall peruse your website with intensity of a detective searching for clues. The more I know about you, your product… and your customers’ pain point, the better.
- I don’t always hit the bullseye on the first try. That means edits and revisions are part of the process. At the end of the day it’s your project, not mine, so you need to be happy with it. I offer unlimited revisions for 30 days after the first deliverable. But I’ve rarely had to revise anything more than once or twice. Usually minor edits, to boot. And the longer we work together, the easier it gets.
- Oh yeah… the money question. Small projects, under $1,000, are billed up front, with work commencing on receipt of payment. Anything over that requires a 50% deposit up front and the other 50% due net-15 after the first deliverable. Monthly retainers are billed at the end of the month, with payment due net-15.
- After we wrap things up, it’s time to get started on the next project. You do have a next project, right? Don’t worry… I’ll ask. I always do.
We’re professionals, you and I. We both understand the need and the value of a process. When you’re manufacturing, raw materials come in the back door and a polished product emerges from the front. It’s no different in writing effective sales copy and marketing content. Processes matter.
The smoother and more complete my process is, the better and more compelling the writing progresses.
Are you ready to start the conversation? Here’s my contact page: Steve’s call scheduler and contact form. I’m excited to see how we can work together to move your business to the next success level. And beyond.
Steve Maurer
(Nice guy. Wears work boots. Writes B2B & Industrial Copy)
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