And you have no other option but to break the ties that bind and move on.
Sad, isn’t it. Sniff, sniff.
But before you get all teary-eyed and think I’m leaving my wife Mary, I should probably explain. (I’d be a dang fool to do that, anyway.)
What I’m talking about are the connections that link your social media networks. And don’t fret … the separation is only temporary.
Now, it’s not that I’m lazy …
But I like to do things once and let technology carry on from there.
I’m a copywriter by profession. And I work the social networks for fun and profit. Part of my work is with American Writers & Artists, Inc. as their LinkedIn correspondent. I update the company page and help manage their LI groups. I’ve connected my Twitter account (@stevemaurerMCW) to my own LinkedIn profile.
After posting on the AWAI company page, I watch my feed. When the post arrives, I write an update for it.
When I create an update from my LinkedIn feed, it posts to Twitter … like magic! Gives me goosebumps, it does.
Not only that, but my Facebook personal wall and business page are linked to Twitter.
So, when I update on LinkedIn, it travels all the way to Facebook, increasing the number of potential readers along the way.
See … not lazy. Just prudent with my time. Really. At least that’s what I’m telling everyone.
But then, one dark and gloomy day, it happened.
The lines of communication were broken
I posted an update and it never reached Twitter, let alone Facebook.
Hoping it was a temporary glitch, I posted again. And again.
And again.
But to no avail. Was it lost and gone forever?
Dreadful sorry, Clementine. (Sorry, couldn’t resist. Old-fart attack …)
Finally, I discovered how to reunite my social networks. And it’s entirely possible that you’re reading this because of that happy reunion.
Actually, the fix was quite simple.
It sounds more ominous than it is …
First, I disconnected my Twitter account in the LinkedIn privacy setting. The next step was to revoke LinkedIn’s access to my Twitter account, via the Twitter account settings.
Sheesh! Disconnect … revoke access! Oh my gosh, what have I done!
Once I did that, however, I merely reconnected everything as originally set. And once again, all my social networks play well together.
That makes me happy.
Now when I post an update from a LinkedIn post, my own website or from any of my clients’ sites, it goes out to the larger audience once again. Clicking the LinkedIn share button on a website sends it on its way, all across the world wide web.
Now … where did I set that cup of coffee this time?
Steve Maurer
(this article originally posted here)
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