Imagine how quality copy and content can help your business. You become a likeable expert in your B2B field. Your prospects and clients will get to know, like and trust you. I can help you with that. Here are a few examples of my Content Marketing articles, press releases and more:
Sample Case Study

Sample case study (PDF). Click to open in a new tab. Right click image to save to your computer.
Autocar Editorial in WasteAdvantage Magazine
(PDF) Click link to open in a new window. Right click to save to your computer.
Autocar Editorial in Modern Work-Truck Solutions
(PDF) Click link to open in a new window. Right click to save to your computer.
Content and blog articles for Mary’s Sew and So! website
Mary’s Sew and So! website – Ok, it’s my wife’s site. But it counts because she’s getting a TON of business from it! In fact, after finding the average income per quarter in 2013, we calculated a potential 300% increase for 2014. Not bad for a Grandma in Arkansas! Over 85% of her new clients are coming from organic search engine results, with the remainder being referred to her by previous clients.
Update…I was way off in my calculations. When we tallied up the books for 2014, she didn’t have a 300% increase in revenue. It ended up at 700%! Sometimes, it’s nice to be wrong.
Swivelpole(tm) in Perth, Australia
I ghost write the blog articles for Swivelpole in Perth, Australia. They are an industrial light pole manufacture with a unique “twist” to their product. Our goal is to bring their product to Europe, Middle East Asia and North America. Currently, we are working on an awareness campaign that includes a microsite, postcard mailing and email contact. With their permission, here is a link to one of the article I wrote for them.
The Future of Maintenance Includes Safe Work Practices – – content marketing articles
Why Engagement Metrics Matter –
How to Write Compelling Content for a Boring Industry – download the PDF here
Cut the BS: Why Authenticity Matters More for SEO –
How to Write a Headline That Always Works –
How Agile is Your Content Marketing? –
Email Metrics – What to Track and Why –
How to Define Your Readership –
Focus Makes Content Marketing Effective –
The Art of Writing Simply – A post that explains how writing simply can increase your content’s believability.
To Get Your Content Read…Give Your Readers a Tour – How headings, subheads, bullet points and other article formatting gives your reader a better reading experience.
My Archived posts on Uberflip –
Berries Unlimited – Here is one of the press releases that I did for Berries Unlimited of Prairie Grove, Arkansas. They are the largest developer and propagator of Honeyberries in the United States. Click here to see the press release as it was submitted to the Wall Street Journal. Click here to view the PRWeb press release.
The Data Rescue Center – Hard drive recovery lab
Here is a page that I wrote for The Data Rescue Center about their most interesting drive recoveries. I wrote blog posts for them for about three years, as well as much of their website content.
Top Data Recovery Stories
(PDF) Click to open in a new window. Right click to save to your computer.
Onsite Link: Top Data Recovery Stories
Steve Maurer – Office Phone: (479) 304-1086