Most of my copywriting work deals directly with personal clients who are in the industrial safety and manufacturing sector. It’s what I know best.
But what if you’re a digital marketing agency, working with the same or similar target markets?
We aren’t competitors by any means. In fact, when our skills are meshed together in a dynamic, symbiotic relationship, we become a major force to be reckoned with in the marketing world.
But because we are two distinct entities, there needs to be some agreement on working parameters. You have your way and I mine. Some considerations are negotiable. But not all.
The key word above in the title is ‘collaborate’. Understand that I’m not an order taker. If you want cheap words from an amateur word wrangler … you can stop reading now. One of the content mills might be a better fit for you. If you’re willing to work as a team and pay for professional work, read on.
I prefer direct access to the client and their SMEs
I’ve worked with marketing agencies that kept the end client hidden under a cloak of secrecy. They’re afraid the client might ditch them and hire the writer directly. But it’s actually unfounded, at least with me. So, why do I prefer direct access to your client and their SMEs?
- Have you ever played the ‘telephone’ game? One child whispered a sentence in another’s ear. They whispered to another child. When it got to the last child, the final outcome was often hilariously funny. Working with your client is not a game. It’s not the time for jocularity.
- I know the right questions to ask and have a very good reason for asking them. You may not understand them, but the client’s SMEs will.
I’m not asking you to stay out of my way. No, not by any means. What I’m asking is … let me do my job. The one you hired me for. It works better.
If that’s an issue for you, we may not be a good fit. If you’re cool with it, keep reading.
Contact me before you quote a price to your client
One common mistake I’ve seen fledgling agencies make is to price first, find a writer later. Not the best approach, honestly. Often they’ve quoted too low and must resort to hiring a cheap writer.
Sure, you can find a bargain writer on the low-paying job boards, like Fivrr or Upwork. And many can write good words. But often, they can’t write the right words.
When we get on a call, we will discuss pricing, normally near the end of the call. But here are three ballpark ranges for common work I do for my personal clients:
- Corporate blog articles: $450 – $900
- Case studies (happy customer success stories): $1500 – $2500
- Newsletter articles: $350 – $800
Other writing products are possible too, and we can discuss them on our call. But this should give you some ideas before you pitch your services to your prospects.
Revisions, copyrights, and payments
In any writing project, revisions are part of the process. Aside from several internal edits I do, there is a defined revision period once I’ve submitted the first deliverable for review. You and/or your client will have up to 30 days to request up to two (2) copy revisions that do not change the scope of the project.
This does not include revisions requested by your client’s legal department. They still have 30-days to get the request to me. But it does not count against the two copy revisions.
By scope change, I mean the revisions cannot alter the main focus of the piece. For example, if the article was about cat food, it cannot change to dog houses or bird cages. That’s a new project altogether.
Scope creep is just as bad. For instance, we can’t start writing about cat food, then add in dog houses and bird cages. That goes beyond the original agreement. By the way … I don’t write about cat food. Or dog houses. Or even bird cages. Unless, of course, they’re industrial versions.
The copyright for any work belongs to the creator until full payment is made. The rights transfer to the client immediately upon receipt of the final payment.
Fair enough? Exceptions might be made in writing in the case of ongoing or retainer work. Remember, I don’t do this for fun or as a hobby. I run a business … just like you.
Payment for copywriting products will need to be worked out. With personal clients, they pay me directly. We may need to come to a negotiated agreement that allows both of us, and your client to work together in peace and harmony.
Tying up a few loose ends
I can guarantee you or your client will be satisfied with the content and copy I write. I cannot guarantee how effective in getting results it will be. There are too many variables involved to make promises like that. All markets are volatile and whether the words fall on deaf ears is anybody’s guess.
And if you (or your client) change the wording after I’ve submitted the final draft, all bets are off for sure.
Ready to talk? Feel free to schedule a call as soon as possible. Here’s the link to my call scheduler: Agency Only Discovery Call. Pick a time and day that’s convenient to you and we’ll talk about it one on one. That’s where everything begins, right?
Whatever you choose to do, I wish you the very best of success!
Steve Maurer