Thanks for your interest in copywriting services. This is a brief and friendly bio/fact sheet about my work as a B2B and industrial copywriter.
It’s safe to say I pretty much grew up with a hammer, wrench or some kind of tool in my hands. Dad tinkered with everything and he passed that gene on to me. The computer keyboard is my tool of choice these days, creating content marketing and copywriting products that help my clients succeed.
Industrial Background Basics
I’ve worked as a maintenance mechanic and an Arkansas-licensed industrial maintenance electrician for over 30 years. I’ve held an Arkansas boiler operator license since 1985. Before that, I was an appliance repairman, and also owned and operated a commercial cleaning service.
As mentioned, I’ve been around tools and machinery all my life. And in the industrial environment, that also meant I worked as an instructor for industrial safety procedures, such as:
- Lockout/Tagout, electrical safety
- Haz-Mat, Incipient Fire Force and fire extinguisher use
- Confined space entry
- Respirator/SCBA /Fall Protection equipment care, use and inspection
Developing training materials for these areas was part of my job as well. Because of that, I’m quite familiar with all the standards organizations like OSHA, NEC®, NIOSH, ASTM, ANSI, and CSA. And let’s not forget the ASME and NFPA®.
Career Highlights as a B2B and Industrial Copywriter
Just like my work experience taught me, I knew that getting the proper training was crucial for my copywriting success — and more importantly — for the success of my clients. Since 2010, I’ve diligently studied the craft of copywriting and content marketing through American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI).
They’re based in Delray Beach, Florida, and have been successfully training copywriters since 1997. The programs I’ve studied (and continue to study to stay up-to-date on current trends) are mainly in the business-to-business (B2B) category.
Some of the copy and content formats I’ve studied and/or written as an industrial copywriter are:
- Email copy for lead generation, sales, and education
- Press releases, corporate blogs/articles/newsletters, case studies, and white papers
- Placed articles for trade publications (usually ghost-written)
- Website copy and content, with extensive training on search engine optimization (SEO)
- Lead generation letters and web copy, as well as product and service brochures, and how-to articles
- Social media content and management
- Sales enablement copy (cold and warm email templates, call scripts, battlecards, sales slide decks, proposals … you know the stuff)

The Associated Press Stylebook is my bible for punctuation, grammar, and technical copy-related writing mechanics. However, if a company has their own stylebook, I follow those guidelines. As for “voice,” my default is authoritative, yet friendly. The voice that presents you—my client — as a likeable expert.
That said, I’m a member of that rare breed called “chameleon copywriters.” I can match your desired voice, whatever it might be. I do that by studying your web copy and business documentation carefully.
For the best results, though, it’s often wise to speak the native language of your “tribe” — your intended market or ideal customer.
I know that language well because … I’ve been that ideal customer. I can help you reach out to them.
A few of my past and current clients include MSA Safety, ElectricSmarts Network, Swivelpole™, AUTOCAR®, CalBrite®, Hubbell, various agencies, and of course, my copy and content training mentors at AWAI.
Call me.
Steve Maurer
Industrial copywriter
Fayetteville, Arkansas USA
Call me at +1.479.304.1086 or use my contact form to start the conversation.